pp108 : Splitting XForms into Regions

Splitting XForms into Regions

This topic describes the procedure to split XForms into different regions.

You can divide XForms into different regions. Regions are placeholders that host subapplications known as App Palettes in an application. Regions can be further split vertically or horizontally, if required. A region can hold multiple App Palettes, which display as tabs. Selecting a tab displays the respective App Palette.

An App Palette in a region can be further split into areas using the Split context-menu option. However, it is not possible to split an area into regions. So, if you split an XForm into areas using the Split context-menu option, you cannot further add regions to the XForm.

  1. Open the XForm in the XForms Designer.
  2. To split the XForm, right-click it, select Split As Regions, and select the appropriate option from the sub-menu:
    • Select Vertical to split vertically.
    • Select Horizontal to split horizontally.The splitter bar appears, and the XForm is split into regions. On choosing Vertical, the splitter bar is placed to the left of the XForm, by default. On choosing Horizontal, the splitter bar is placed towards the top of the XForm. You can drag the splitter bar to resize the areas. By default, each region holds an App Palette.
      Also, on splitting an XForm, its controls are redistributed across the spilt XForm according to their respective positions and the XForm layout. In case of a vertical and horizontal layout, all controls are repositioned to the left area when split vertically, and to the top area when split horizontally.
      In case of multiple App Palettes in a region, each App Palette displays as a tab in the tab strip.
  3. Right-click the tab strip, and select Properties to specify the properties of a region. The Region window opens.
  4. Make the appropriate modifications.
    • Type a unique identifier for the region in the ID field. This is a design-time property.
    • Type the style class name to set the style class for the region in the Style Class field.
    • Select Resizable to enable the resizing of the region at run time.
    • Select appropriate options in the Tab Settings pane.
      • Select Left to position the tabs to the left side of the region.
      • Select Right to position the tabs to the right side of the region.
      • Select Top to position the splitter at the top of the region.
      • Select Bottom to position the splitter at the bottom of the region.
      • Select Vertical to display the text in the tab vertically.
      • Select Horizontal to display the text in the tab horizontally.


        • These options are available only in case of multiple App Palettes.
        • The selected options are applied at run time.
  5. To customize the text that displays in an App Palette's tab, select the default text and type your custom text.


    • The text that you enter in the tab also displays as title text for a static App Palette.
    • To remove a splitter, right-click the splitter bar and select Delete Splitter.

Depending on options you select, the XForm gets divided into regions.